Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Community Wide Garage Sale - Saturday May 1st

The community wide garage sale will be happening again this year on Saturday, May 1st. Those interested in registering for this are to contact Carnduff Education Complex at 482-3491. As part of your registration, you will receive free advertising, your location will be put on a town wide map highlighting a couple of items for sale and the day of the sale, your yard will be clearly marked with signage indicating that you are a registered garage sale. Maps of all of the registered locations will be for sale that day at the school for $2.00 each.
Please register and support our school and students!
If you have any additional questions, please contact the school at 482-3491.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Attract & Retain Valuable Employees

Sunrise Community Futures, Career & Employment Services and the Saskatchewan South East Enterprise Region have joined forces to offer an "Attract & Retain Valuable Employees....that are committed, want to work for your business and are a good fit" Seminar. It will take place in Carlyle the afternoon of Wednesday, March 10th.
Canadian best-selling author and professional speaker Jeanne Martinson will headline this interactive, thought provoking workshop. She will provide tools to attract, engage and retain your company's most valuable resource - it's people! Included in the afternoon will be a panel of successful businesses from the region sharing their insight on what works to recruit and retain employees.
Registration is $20.00 per person. To register or for more information, please email sunrise.cfcd@sasktel.net or call 1-306-842-8803 or 1-877-851-9997

Youth Entrepreneur Project Sponsored by Saskatchewan South East Enterprise Region

Saskatchewan South East Enterprise Region (SSEER) is hosting a Youth Entrepreneur program to run from March through May 2010. The program has been designed to have a cultural theme and complement the Festival of Cultures being held from May 14th - 16th, 2010.

Presently SSEER is putting out a call to all youth groups, 4-H clubs, schools, and church groups interested in participating in the project to submit proposals. To be eligible a group must:
- Be a recognized youth group within their community (school class, church youth group, 4-H group, etc. with an adult leader, coach or teacher)
- Be willing and able to participate in a youth entrepreneur workshop in their home community prior to the Festival of Cultures event
- Have a business idea/proposal that fits within the scope and theme of the Festival of Cultures concept: it must be a new enterprise and it must have a cultural or multicultural focus
- Be willing and able to follow a youth business development plan provided by SSEER
- Have a plan to donate any profits from their business venture after completion of the project to: their youth group or a charitable cause or community group within their own community
- Be willing and able to travel as a business to participate in the Festival of Cultures event in May

Interested youth groups are encouraged to have fun and to come up with original ideas keeping the above criteria in mind. The deadline for applications if February 28, 2010.

For program applications and further information contact:
James Tessier, Project Coordinator
Saskatchewan South East Enterprise Region
Ph: 306.636.2832 or email edo@sseer.ca

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beautiful Winter Wonderland!

Late last night I was driving back into town from a meeting and couldn't help but notice the beauty of our park with the snow on the ground and the hoarfrost on the trees. I quickly ran home and grabbed my camera to snap a picture as I wanted to share it with you! It was absolutely beautiful and please note that the picture does not grasp the entire beauty!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jack McFarlane - SUMA Honourary Membership Award

I had the pleasure of attending the SUMA (Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association) convention earlier this week. This was a vary valuable experience with some very informative information.
At the President's Banquet Tuesday Evening I had the privilege of attend and to honour former Mayor Jack McFarlane as he received an award under the Honourary Membership category. Awards are granted to elected officials throughout the province to recognize their long-term dedication to, and involvement in, their local communities. The recipients are unique individuals who demonstrate leadership in their communities and who strive for an improved quality of life. Their generous contributions of time and talent have strengthened their local governments.

Below is the insert honouring Jack:
The Town of Carnduff has been fortunate to have Jack involved in numerous capacities over the years. Born and raised in Carnduff, Jack has always been willing to contribute his time as a volunteer with community organizations, minor sports, boards and business groups.
Jack's civic responsibilities began in October 1988 with his election as councillor. In October 1997, feeling he had the time and passion that one needs to take that next step, Jack was elected as Mayor of Carnduff, a position he held until December 2008 when he made the decision to relinquish his mayoral duties.
Community progress and community pride have been and continue to be Jack's main objectives for the residents of Carnduff.
Jack has been very involved in economic development committees, joint-working committees with the RM of Mount Pleasant as well as the Regional Health Board. Jack has always been a vocal supporter of SUMA and in the SUMA Board's efforts to make a unified voice on behalf of all urban municipalities when dealing with carious issues at the provincial level.

Congratulations Jack!